
Introducing the Grassland Conservation Market Symposium

Grassland Conservation Markets

Over the last Century, the native prairie grassland ecosystem of Alberta’s South Saskatchewan Region has been transformed by agriculture and land development. Conservation markets are an effective tool that brings ranchers, farmers, conservation groups, land developers and industry together to develop revenue streams from the different ecosystem services that grassland conservation provides, such as water quality, carbon storage and wildlife habitat. In this system, land owners are rewarded for their voluntary activities that support healthy grassland ecosystems in Alberta.

Ecosystem Services in our Forests

Canadian forests are a source of significant beauty, resources and biodiversity. We are fortunate that our country is dominated by this rich landscape. In fact, according to Nature Conservancy of Canada, “More than 1/3 of Canadian land-base is covered with trees, and forests occur in every province and territory.” (Putting a Value on Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests, Nature Conservancy of Canada, 2017). In addition to providing us with the wood and paper products that we use on a day-to-day basis, these forests provide a significant range of ecosystem services that support surrounding communities and the well-being of Canadians as a whole.